Whether or not you believe in the Devil, the stories and beliefs surround him are intriguing. The Devil absorbed everything Christians hated about Paganism (or wished to destroy) and other ancient religions, making him a link between the distant, pre-Christian past and the present day.
The Devil’s Face
Folk beliefs states that if you take a handheld mirror to an unlit room at midnight and walk backwards around the room while holding up the mirror, by the third trip around the room you will see the face of the devil reflected in the mirror.
Making Faces
If you spend too much time making faces in front of the mirror, the devil will soon come and stand behind you.
White Door
Among the Welsh it was believed that the devil could not enter a door that was painted white.
Raising the Devil in Scotland
In Scotland it was believed by the superstitious that the devil could be raised. First, a white chalk circle was drawn on the ground and a hat was placed within the circle. Standing outside the circle, the person was supposed to recite the Lord’s Prayer backwards.
Black Dogs
In Russia it was believed that having a black dog would help keep the devil away. In other folk beliefs, the devil can take the form of a black dog.
Money From the Devil
In French superstition, it was believed that if you put a live black rooster under your arm, head off to the crossroads at midnight, and say “Robert!” nine times at the crossroads, the devil will suddenly appear. He will take the rooster from you and give you a large handful of money.
If the devil has problems capturing a man, he will steal the man’s shadow instead.
In Crete, it was once the practice to grow basil herb on windows to keep the devil out of the home.
Three Points
Any mountain that appears to have three points has been built by the devil. The devil was also believed to have built certain bridges.
Two Crows
The devil walks around with two crows on his shoulders. These crows see everything that goes on in the world and tells it to the devil, according to Scottish folklore.