The world is filled with numerous protection symbols and charms. Here are six of the most popular ones that many people still use today.
1. Abracadabra
“Abracadabra!” shouted the magician. Well, not quite, but he did write down the magical words onto a slip of paper as a sort of spell to diminish illness. The abracadabra charm was in use during the Middle Ages as a cure for illnesses and as a protection against the various diseases of the time.
The word abracadabra comes from the Hebrew words “abreg ad habra,” meaning “strike dead with thy lightning.” The word was written with one letter removed on each new line so that it formed a triangle. It was believed to funnel down evil and trap it.
2. Bells
Bells have been used since ancient times to scare off evil spirits and any negativities. Bells are attached to horses and cows to frighten off any spirits or to chase away black magic. People also wear bells for the same reason and to keep the evil eye away. Bells are also rung before religious ceremonies and rituals to dispel negative energies.
3. Claws
In times past, real claws from large, wild animals were worn for protection against other wild animals. In today’s world, claws fashioned out of metal are worn for the same reason. Phallic in shape, claws are seen as a masculine symbol, although plenty of women also wear them as a show of strength.
4. Crescent Moon
While claws are a masculine symbol of protection, the moon is a feminine symbol of protection. Silver, fashioned into the shape of the crescent moon has been worn since ancient times to protect the wearer from black magic and the evil eye. In ancient Rome, women would wear crescent charms so that they would have healthy children. When wearing the crescent, the points should always face the wearer’s left side to represent the new moon, prosperity, and gains.
5. White Circle
The circle has long been held as a symbol of protection. Wiccan practitioners use it to protect themselves from negative energies while they perform nature-based rituals. The circle holds in the good and repels what is bad. In Jamaican folklore, drawing a white chalk circle on your door prevents ghosts from entering the home. The circle is used for its protective nature in television shows, such as Supernatural, where the main characters are often shown creating a circle of salt around themselves or other potential victims in order to keep out evil entities.
6. The Hand
Charms made of the open mind have long been worn to protect people and animals from the evil eye. Hands are also traced and painted for protection within the home. This tradition carries on today with many different crafts focusing on the hand symbol, from paper crafts to felt crafts and even ceramic crafts. The open hand is for protection, in much the same way as the hand help up symbolizes “stop,” and is said to stop evil intentions in their tracks. The hand represents a barrier.