Strange things can fall from the sky, from fish to red rains. Here is an entry that belongs with Charles Fort (the man who collected odd bits of news such as the piece below). On July 25, 1902, The Rice Belt Journal published an entry about rats and mice raining down from the sky.
Rain of Rats
A very strange phenomenon has occurred in Algeria, in the district round about Bougle, during the passage of a cyclone, which wrought much damage.
The natives who had come into the town relate that during the storm there was a regular hail of rats and mice. The story, on the face of it, appears improbable, but the witnesses who testify to its truth are so numerous that some amount of credence must be attached to it.
It is stated that the rodents fell in such great quantity that during the quarter of an hour that the phenomenon lasted all the fields were infested.
Some of the rats and mice were found impaled on the pointed stakes employed to separate one piece of land from another. The question naturally arises: Where did the animals come from? [Source]