Homey Hints From 1912

Back in the day, you had to do nearly everything yourself, from spiffing up your leather gloves to making your own seat cushions. Newspapers would occasionally publish little tidbits to help homemakers figure out common household problems and to encourage women to be thrifty. Here is one such article from a 1912 newspaper.

Homey Hints

Novel Pillow Cover

Where there are several girls in a home, quantities of old kid gloves are soon gathered together. If wrists and whole parts are cut into squares of fancy shapes and stitched onto a piece of strong calico, and feather-stitched around the edges, a novel, useful cushion cover may be made. If anything is spilt on it, a damp sponge will remove the stain.

To Ease Shoes

To ease a tight show, wring out a cloth in very hot water and place it over the spot where the shoe pinches. Repeat this as soon as the cloth becomes cold. After two or three applications the leather will have become stretched to the foot.

Renews Black

To renovate black kid gloves and slipper, mix together in equal quantities the white of an egg, milk or cream, and black ink. Place the gloves on the hand and rub lightly with a piece of soft flannel.

Shoo Flies

If you are annoyed with flies in your bedroom, soak a sponge in oil of lavender and tie to top of bed. Flies hate smell of lavender and will not approach it.

Use the Yolks

When making custards, use the yolks of the eggs only. Whites should be saved. They add nothing to the flavor of the custard, and will be found most useful for clearing soups.

Source: The Day Book (Chicago, Illinois newspaper). August 03, 1912.

Author: StrangeAgo