Men Fight for the Right to Shave on Sundays

Men, imagine not being allowed to get a shave on a Sunday. While going to the barber shop for a clean shave is pretty much a thing of the past, just imagine being banned from a razor one day each week. Some of you would say nuts on it and grow a beard or just enjoy a day of stubble, but I imagine that quite a few of you would be ticked at not being allowed to get a smooth face on the one day of the week you probably have off from work. Well, these men back in 1912 were sick and tired of being told they couldn’t get a shave, so they stepped up and did something about it.

Des Moines to Fight for Shaving on Sunday

Des Moines, Ia., Jan. 17. — The men of Des Moines want to shave on Sunday, and they have appealed to the city council to allow them the privilege.

Forty of the city’s richest men, led by Millionaire F.M. Hubbell, have framed a petition to the authorities to allow them to run a barber shop on the Sabbath. The petition was the result of the arrest of a barber last Sunday, when he was half through shaving Hubbell. The barber was fined $3.98 and the financier paid for it.

Today the forty richest men asked that they be given the right to be shaved on Sunday, and intimated that unless they were they would invoke the same law against cigar stores, theaters, street cars and every other labor employing institution.

Source: (1912, January 17). Des Moines to Fight for Shaving on Sunday. The Day Book, p. 29.

Author: StrangeAgo