Prepare to don the tinfoil hat. After the Titanic went down, there were many questions that needed to be answered, as well as a lot of sneaky, questionable behavior. People wanted to know the real story behind the sinking of the Titanic and were suspicious of the behavior of the millionaires involved.
What the Senate Committee Investigating the Titanic Disaster Wants to Know
If it be true the Titanic was making 23 Knots an hour when it struck the iceberg.
If so, whether or not the Titanic had received a warning that there were icebergs in its course several hours before the disaster.
If the Titanic had been warned, and was forging ahead at 23 knots, who gave the order that this speed should be kept up when, under the circumstances, only chance alone could save it from such a fate as overtook it.
Why there were so few lifeboats aboard the “largest ship afloat.”
What was wrong with such lifeboats as there were to make the White Star hide them after they were brought to New York by the Carpathia.
How it came that lifeboats were launched without being filled with passengers.
If any of the crew were drunk at the time of, or after, the collision.
If so, how did such of the crew as were drunk, get liquor aboard ship.
If it be true that at the time of the disaster, Captain Smith was dining with J. Bruce Ismay and other millionaires.
If so, was Captain Smith doing so of his own volition or under orders from Ismay.
How it came that J. Bruce Ismay, owner, managed to get into the fourth boat launched when there still were women to be saved.
How it came that other men who tried to get into the boats at the same time were driven out at the points of revolvers, while Ismay was permitted to stay and select his own crew to man the boat.
Who gave orders that this should be permitted.
How J. Bruce Ismay managed to get a stateroom to himself aboard the Carpathia, when women survivors had to sleep in passageways.
Why J. Bruce Ismay put a sign on that stateroom reading “Don’t knock.”
Why the Carpathia refused to answer wireless messages at the request of the president of the United States.
Who gave the orders that such messages should not be answered.
If it be true that the Marconi agency at New York sent orders to the wireless operator aboard the Carpathia not to send any details, but to hold the news in his possession for “a story worth dollars in four figures.”
If this be true, who originated the idea.
Why J. Bruce Ismay wished to be transferred from the Carpathia to the Cedric in New York harbor, and thus return to England without landing in this country.
Why J. Bruce Ismay wished to have the crew and officers of the Titanic survivors transferred in a similar manner.
Why J. Bruce Ismay and the officers and crew of the Titanic, now being held by the committee in Washington, today are being guarded from interviewers by a corps of White Star detectives.
Why, when reached by interviewers, the officers and crew are afraid to say anything because “it might come to the ears of the White Star officials.”
What the White State and its officials are so anxious to hide.
How it came that the “unsinkable” ship when to the bottom within four short hours after a collision.
Who is responsible for the false and lying messages, telling of the safety of all passengers and crew of the Titanic, given out by the White Star officials last monday.
If there be anything in the rumor that these messages were given out for the purposes of permitting the money kings to manipulate the stock exchange.
Source: (1912, April 22). What the Senate Committee Investigating the Titanic Disaster Wants to Know. The Day Book.