We grow up fascinated by ancient Egyptian mummies. We read scary books about them, see them in the museum, and watch horror flicks with “living” mummies taking lives. They are awesome, scary, and fascinating. We cannot get enough of them.
1. A Long Dead Society
What was life like in ancient Egypt? While we can watch documentaries showing us what life may have been like, there is still so much we do not know about the ancient Egyptians. New discoveries are being made almost every day and there is still so much to be discovered.
2. Fascinating Religion
Did the ancient Egyptian priests have some sacred knowledge that could benefit or destroy humankind? Did they know things that we have long since lost? Was there more to making mummies than we already know?
There are so many unanswered questions about their complex religion and funerary rites that the mystery continues to draw us in.
3. Coming Back Alive
Immortality is something people have strived for since the beginning of time. We don’t want to die, but live on forever. Mummies present a possibility towards immortality. They make us dream of the what ifs.
4. Riches and Power
Could you imagine be buried with all those riches? The mummies of ancient Pharaohs had power – the kind that dictators of today can only dream of.
5. Self Destructive
We all have a self destructive nature buried within us. We secretly dream of a great adversary. While some people wish for a zombie apocalypse, others dream of mummies coming alive. Both secret wishes are similar: the dead coming back to life.