Nikola Tesla was called the man of the future and his ideas were certainly ahead of his time. After all, the man predicted the use of cell phones, the ability to send communications into outer space, and he talked almost endlessly about sending electricity through either the air or the earth, eliminating the use of electrical wires altogether.
Still, for all of his incredible ideas, there were quite a few wacky ones or, at the very least, ideas that we consider too incredible to ever come true in today’s world.
Electricity Will Make You Smart
In 1917, Nikola Tesla publicized that high frequency electric waves could grow brains and make people smarter. He wanted to make “electrified rooms” inside public schools so that students could grow big, intellectual brains.
Electrifying the Earth
Tesla also had a plan to rejuvenated the earth with electricity. The idea came to light in 1897 when newspapers reported that Tesla planned to saturate “the earth with electrical currents generated by Niagara [Fall’s] power. The ordinary field crops, such as wheat, corn, and potatoes were to be sprayed from electrified water tanks and the earth given a wonderful productiveness, and all at a very trifling cost.”
No More Night
Also in 1897, it was reported that Tesla planned to put a permanent end to the night by creating new systems of lighting. He wanted the earth to be lit at all times, effectively ending total darkness.
No More Aging
Could electricity also put an end to aging? Tesla believed it was possible and claimed to have “made extensive study and experiment to the end of finding some means of cleaning the human skin of these deadly microbes and,” he said, “I have succeeded in inventing a means by which it can be kept clear of their ravages. By means of a battery I have myself invented, I have charged human bodies so successfully that microbes have been thrown off in a perfect shower, some of them being thrown as far away as four or five feet.”
Other People’s Ideas
Not only did Tesla dream up some pretty wild stuff, he also kept up with the incredible ideas of other scientists and doctors. Some of these men believed that they would soon be able to cure medical and psychological problems remotely using electricity and radio waves.