Making homemade Christmas candies was a family tradition in the not so distant past, and even today there are some families that still make their own candy.
The recipes below were originally published in 1909 and involve making candies using a wood burning cook stove.
Christmas Candies
Homemade sweets for both children and grownups are the most satisfactory, for then one can know exactly the ingredients that are used in their manufacture.
The foundations for most candies is fondant. Take for making it five cups of granulated sugar and add two cupfuls of cold water and set it on the back of the stove until the sugar is melted. Add one teaspoonful of cream of tartar dissolved in a little water. This does away with the sickly sweet taste. Put the pan over the front of the fire, where it will boil. DO not stir it after it is hot and do not shake the pan. When it has boiled a few minutes, try it by dropping a tony bit in a cup of cold water. Do this frequently, moving the pan where it will keep hot but not boil, for it changes so rapidly from one degree to another.
When the sugar dropped in cold water is firm enough to make a rather hard ball when rolled between the fingers, but is not crisp, pour it into a shallow pan and leave it to cool till it will wrinkle when the pan is tipped. Stir it with a large spoon until it is quite cool. If it does not harden enough to use then let it boil again, trying often. If, on the other hand, the fondant be found grainy, add a cupful of cold water and boil again until the right consistency is attained. It may take a little practice to make perfect. This fondant will keep good for weeks in a jar covered with waxed paper. With the fondant as a base, all sorts of delightful sweets can be made.
Candied Figs
Cut a few figs in strips an inch wide and roll these in fondant. When nearly hard cut them in pieces with a sharp knife.
Date Candy
Roll some balls of fondant. Stone some good sized dates, cut them in halves, press one-half up against each side of the ball of fondant. Walnuts may be done in the same way.
Tutti Frutti Candy
Take a shallow pan, line it with waxed paper; put a layer of fondant, a layer of chopped pineapple, candied cherries, chopped figs, dates, etc. Cover the top with fondant. Let it harden a little, then cut in small squares.
Chocolate Creams
Use confectioner’s chocolate for these. Melt it. Take good stiff fondant, flavor it as desired, form it into balls, and drop them into the melted chocolate. If liked, chopped nuts, dates, etc., can be mixed with the fondant, and makes a pleasant change.
Chocolate Almonds
Blanch the almond meats by pouring boiling water over them and letting them stand a few moments. Turn the hot water off and cover with cold, when the skin may easily be rubbed off between the thumb and forefinger. Break some sweet chocolate into small pieces, put into a dish and set in a larger pan of hot water. When the chocolate is melted put a blanched nut meat on the point of a skewer or darning needle, or use a candy dipper and dip into the melted chocolate. Then lay on oiled paper to cool. When the chocolate coating becomes set, dip a second time. Flavor the melted chocolate with vanilla if desired.
Source: The Laclede blade. (Laclede, Mo.), 27 Nov. 1909.