Below are several floral embroidery sprays that were originally published in 1915.
Directions read:
I have furnished you with a half dozen small floral designs for decorating articles. Each is a simple pattern easily fashioned and may be developed in almost any style of stitches or in any color. “D” allows for cut-out work, while “B” is loveliest to solid satin-stitch, flat, smooth and delicately tinted. “F” is an outline motif, work for childish fingers to construct. “E” is an eyelet pattern, not so easily made. The sheer pattern on a fine handkerchief would be beautiful if embroidered in white or pale blue. One of the novelties lately shown is the white handkerchief embroidered in silk to match the gown. The extreme edge is finished with a buttonhole edge, crocheted into a narrow hem, with a very tiny edge. Both “C” and “E” are are suitable designs for finishing embroidery handkerchiefs in silk floss.
Source: South Bend news-times. (South Bend, Ind.), 14 May 1915.