Chewing gum was clearly an American invention and since 1848 there have been numerous superstitions and strange rituals associated with the chewy treat.
Keep Her By Your Side
An old American superstition states that if a guy gives a girl chewing gum, she will stay by his side for the rest of the day.
Some young men were known to chant love spells over a stick of gum before giving it to a girl so that she would fall in love with him.
Careful Where You Put It
Just like hair and fingernails, you need to be careful of how you dispose of chewing gum. If your enemy picks up your discarded chewing gum, he can use it to jinx you and bring you bad luck.
Get More Money
Always chew gum when you are counting money. If you do so, you will attract even more money.
Stepped In It
Stepping in an ugly wad of chewing gum may seem like the worst thing to ever happen, but really it is a sign of good luck to come.
Nose Bleed
An old wives tale says that chewing gum will stop a nose bleed.
No Chewing at Night
In Turkey it was believed that if you chewed gum at night, you were chewing the flesh of dead people. Yum!
A Good Hit
There are many strange superstitions in sports. One claims that if you put your chewing gum at the end of a baseball bat, you will surely make a good hit.
Dream of Future Spouse
To dream of your future husband or wife, go outside at midnight and stick a piece of chewed gum on your nose. Walk three times around your house backwards, go back to your room, and place the chewed gum on your headboard. You will dream about the person you will marry.