10 Interesting Apron Superstitions From the Past

There was a time when women wore aprons while doing their housework which is why there are so many superstitions about aprons.

1. Comes Untied

If your apron suddenly comes untied, the person you love is thinking of you.

2. To Lose an Apron

If you lose an apron, you will also be losing either your best friend or your spouse.

3. Wet Apron

According to the Welsh, if an unmarried person had a habit of making her apron overly wet when working in the kitchen, it was a sign that she would marry a drunk.

4. Fishermen Beware

In Scotland, it is unlucky to see a woman in a white apron when you are heading out to go fishing.

5. Burn Marks

If a woman accidentally gets burn marks on her apron she will soon become pregnant.

6. Backwards

If you accidentally put your apron on backwards, keep it that way. It will bring you good luck.

7. Changing Bad Luck

If you are having a day of bad luck, switch your apron around so that you are wearing it backwards. This was believed to be a surefire way to change one’s luck for the better.

8. Falling in Love

In Germany, if a man wipes his hands on a woman’s apron, he is bound to fall in love with her.

9. Suddenly Falls Off

If the apron you are wearing suddenly falls off, you either have a spot of bad luck coming your way or you are going to get pregnant within the year. Pick your poison.

10. Burn Hole

An accidental burn hole in your apron means that someone has just told a lie about you.

Author: StrangeAgo