10 Unusual Superstitions About Chicken Eggs

People have eaten eggs since time forgotten, so it is little wonder that the world is full of chicken egg superstitions. After all, the egg represents the universe and in some mythologies the earth was formed out of an egg.

Night Collection

To collect eggs at night and bring them into the home is to court bad luck.


In Japan it was believed that if a woman stepped over an egg shell she would go crazy.

Tenth Egg

In Britain it was believed that the tenth egg in a batch was always the largest.

Egg in a Dream

If you dream of an egg, there will be a new beginning in your life.

Burning Egg Shells

It is very unlucky to burn egg shells. To do so will stop the hens from laying eggs.

To Accidentally Break an Egg

An English rhyme states:

Break an egg, break a leg;

Break two, your love is true;

Break three, woe to thee.

No Yolk

An egg with no yolk was once considered unlucky. It was also believed that no-yolk eggs were laid by roosters.

Double Yolk

Long ago it was believed that a double-yolk egg meant a death in the owner’s family. Today most people believe that the double-yolk is lucky.

At Sea

Saying the word “egg” was at one time considered unlucky among sailors. To avoid bad luck, sailors called eggs “roundabouts.”

Crushed Shells

After eating a hard boiled egg, you must crush the shell to prevent sailors from drowning at sea. However, leaving egg halves outside provides the fairies with shelter from those who would harm them.

Author: StrangeAgo