Old Fern Plant Superstitions

There were numerous fern plant superstitions in the past and the plant itself was associated with the fairies. Fern plants also took a predominant place in Christian folklore.

Fern Spores

Fern seeds, called bracken seed, used to be collected on Midsummer. If these special spores were put in one’s pocket, she would become invisible.

To Bring Rain

To cut or burn down fern plants will bring rain.

Fern Gift

You should never gift a fern plant to a friend. To do so will prevent them from settling down in one place.

Weather Protection

Grow ferns inside the home to protect it from lightning strikes, says one old fern superstition.

Touch Tip

It is said that touching the tip of a fern frond will cause the plant to die.


If, while walking through the woods, you trample on some ferns, you will become confused and may even lose your way.

Placed Above the Doors

One strange superstition tells people to hang blooming ferns above all the outside doors to prevent their teeth from getting cavities.

Keep Your Lover

If you find a fern growing on a tree, break off a little piece of it and put it in your purse or wallet. It is said that if you do this your lover will never leave you.

Grown Outside the Home

People who grow ferns around the home are protected within from spells and incantations.

Author: StrangeAgo