There are numerous superstitions involving the lowly onion. Since ancient times, the onion has been used for oath taking, protection, healing, and, of all things, love magic.
Butt Numbing
Schoolboys used to believe that if they rubbed their bottoms with onion juice, they would not be able to feel the sting of the schoolmaster’s cane.
Some believe that snakes hate the smell of onions and will carry an onion on them while walking through snake territory.
Hung in the Room
It was said that an onion or a bunch of onions hung in a room would prevent sickness from entering it.
Onion Skin Wish
If you have an itch to make a wish on a Friday morning, take the skin of an onion, sprinkle it with salt and pepper, and toss it into the fire while making your wish.
Under the Bed
It was believed that an onion, cut in half and placed under the bed of a sick person, would soak up the sickness.
Dream of Future Lover
If you wish to dream of who your future lover will be, place an onion under your pillow before you go to bed.
Slice Under the Mat
Some people believe that placing a slice of onion under the doormat will keep away unwanted visitors.
Plant the Bulbs
If an onion begins to sprout in your kitchen, plant it in your garden. If it continues to grow, unexpected money will come your way.
Next Best Lover
To choose your next lover, take as many onions as you have choices and name each onion. Place the onions someplace warm and the first to sprout will be the lover you should choose.
Eating lots of onions will keep you looking young. Incidentally, science shows that onions have anti-aging properties.