10 Wacky Underwear Superstitions

Yes, there are superstitions involving your underwear. Sounds kind of weird and maybe even kinky, but you know you want to read on.

Inside Out

If you accidentally put your undies on inside out, leave it that way and you will have good luck for the rest of the day (or for however long you wear that pair of underwear).


It will bring you bad luck if you try to mend your undies while you are wearing them.


If a single woman wants to rush into marriage, she is supposed to borrow a pair of underwear from a married woman and wear them.

Love Charms

Place your love charms in your underwear drawer to increase their sexual potency.

Change Bad Luck

If you are having a lousy day, change your luck by turning your undies inside out.

Slips Down

If your underwear keeps sliding down, you are either thinking of your lover or your lover is thinking of you.


If you are going to gamble or even play a lottery ticket, wear red underwear. It is said to be lucky and will increase your good fortune.

Attract Men

Keep a sprig of valerian in your underwear drawer. It is said to help attract men.

Commando Under the Wedding Dress

If a woman wears no underwear under her wedding dress she will be lucky for the rest of her days.

Rose Petals

Sticking a red rose petal inside your undies will attract a lover.

Author: StrangeAgo