If you are looking to grow your bust and have a good laugh, look no further. The following ads for growing bigger boobs were originally published in newspapers across the U.S. in the late 1800s and early 1900s.
Massage with Cocoa Butter
First of all, young women were truly concerned about their bust line last century. They even wrote in to newspapers, asking what they could do, such as in this Q&A from 1911.
The Bust of a Queen
The following ad was published in an Oregon newspaper in 1908. It advises women who purchase a bottle of super special boob wafers that would add another 3 to 6 inches to their bust line. Oh, and the wafers would firm up the boobies, as well.
Give Them a Good Slap
Here is another write in to a Connecticut newspaper, asking how to get bigger breasts. Apparently the slapping thing was done back in 1913.
Some Sort of Prescription
The following ad, disguised as a newspaper write-in, advises women to send ten cents to an address in New York in order to get a special boob growing prescription.
Guaranteed Bust Food
Printed in 1904, this ad promises special boob food that will help grow your boobies to whatever size you desire. I can easily see this product being abused.
For Flat Chested Stenographers
This 1904 ad for bust food is targeted at stenographers (early secretaries). I guess women figured early on that bigger boobs get the job in a man’s world.
Boob Balm
Finally, this little ad for boob balm was published in The New York Herald back in 1868.