Salt was one of the first seasonings used by people which is why there are so many different superstitions surrounding it and its use. Just about everyone has some salt in their home and since it is so common, we are always curious about its deeper meaning and uses in the magical and folk world.

1. Purification
Salt is well known throughout the world as a purifier. Sometimes it is added to Holy Water used by the Catholic faith. Incidentally, salt water has long been used for cleaning wounds, brushing teeth, and for cleaning the home. All of these are examples of purification.

2. Protection
Among Wiccans and Pagans, salt is used to create a circle of protection around the practitioner. To protect against ghosts or evil spirits, it is a folk custom to sprinkle salt around the home to prevent evil from entering it. Some people will place a bit of salt under the doormat to prevent bad people from entering their home.

3. Spilling Salt
Long ago, salt was an expensive ingredient. If you were worth your weight in salt, you may as well have been made of gold. To spill such a pricey item was, naturally, bad luck and an expensive mistake.
4. Money Bringer
Among folk traditions, gifting salt on the New Year or gifting salt to a new homeowner brought the receiver prosperity as well as good fortune.

5. Fertility
Salt was also linked to the fertility. After all, the salty ocean was symbolic of the mother’s womb. To wish fertility upon a new bride, salt was gifted to her on her wedding day.
6. Change of Luck
If you are having a bad luck sort of day, you are supposed to throw a pinch of salt over your left shoulder. It was believed that the Devil hid behind the left hand side and that when you tossed back the salt, it would get in his eyes and distract him from making your day miserable.

7. After a Funeral
After attending a funeral and before you enter your home, you should sprinkle a pinch of salt over your head to rid yourself of the residue of death.
8. Business Fortune
Before going to work or before taking part in any sort of business transaction, superstition says that you should put some salt in your right pocket to bring you good luck.
9. Get Rid of Unwanted Guest
Should you have an annoying, negative guest in your home, you are supposed to sprinkle a bit of salt under his chair. It was believed that doing this would make the unwanted guest so uncomfortable that he would want to leave as soon as possible.