This charming circus cutout was originally printed in a newspaper from 1920. It includes ball playing elephants and dogs doing tricks – two shows that were extremely popular at the circus in the early 1900s.

Directions from the newspaper:
For assembling the Tribune Circus for Children, first, with a pair of scissors, cut out the various figures and objects along the heavy black lines.
Fold on the dotted lines.
Cut slots where indicated and insert tabs.
No paste or glue is required unless you desire to mount the cutouts on heavier paper or thing pasteboard in order to make them more secure and last longer.
The ball playing elephants consist of a catcher with his glove and body protector, a batter with his bat and a pitcher with the ball. Slots are provided so you may give each player his proper baseball equipment.
The trained dogs consist of a clown, a lady trainer, seven dogs, a motorcycle, a cap for the rider, a hoop and three six-sided stools. The little dog in the center of the group of four larger ones is designed to sit on the top stool. The other four dogs are arranged to sit on the tops of the other two stools – two to a stool. The little jumping dog in the lower corner should be inserted through slit in hoop. The hoop should then be put in place in the arms of the lady trainer by means of the slots provided.
The large dog in upper right hand corner is designed to ride the motorcycle. In place the cap on his head, cut out slot carefully and adjust so goggle comes over eye. In placing dog on motorcycle, first cut and fold machine as indicated – then insert tab on dog’s hind leg in slot of footrest which extends through motorcycle and insert tab on foreleg in slot on the handle bar.
Source: New-York tribune. (New York [N.Y.]), 11 Jan. 1920.