The instructions for making a hanging bag below were originally published in 1915. The suggestion is that the gauze bags should be used to hold cotton balls, but I like the way they are made and can think of different things to put in them, like pantyhose hung in the closet or for detergent pods hung over the washer. It just so happens that I have a collection of embroidery hoops that I never use.
Gauze Bag Holding Puff Balls
Gauze bags, made to hold individual powder puff balls, are among the popular new fads that make lovely Christmas gifts. They are made of chiffon, silk muslin or gauze, gathered over a silk-covered embroidery hoop. Hangers of light satin ribbon are fastened at each side of the hoop with a rosette.
The balls of absorbent cotton are finished with tony bows of baby ribbon matching the hangers in color. As soon as used they are thrown away.
Flowered silk muslin makes pretty bags with ribbon hangers matching the flowers in color. The little bows are sewed to the balls. The bags hang at the side of the dressing case for the convenience of guests.
Source: The Hattiesburg news. (Hattiesburg, Miss.), 16 Dec. 1915.