Women used handkerchiefs for a wide variety of crafts, including pincushions. The instructions below are for a handkerchief pincushion where the handkerchief is made into a slip cover so that, if you are ever super bored, you can take the cover off the pin’s cushion and launder it.
Pincushion From Kerchief

Here is a suggestion for making a simple, effective pincushion with a cover that is made from a handkerchief.
The illustration shows one with checked border, but any lace edged or embroidered one might be used.

The cushion must first be made from sateen and stuffed with bran or sawdust, the size to be determined by the size of the handkerchief to be used.
The cover should be arranged in the same manner as an ordinary pillowslip and made to fasten with a flap and two buttons and buttonholes underneath the cushion.
It should be ornamented with a little bow of ribbon at each corner. These little bows need to be but lightly tacked in their places so that they can be easily removed when the cover is washed.
Source: Chicago eagle. (Chicago, Ill.), 31 March 1917.