Keys are one of the most magical yet most neglected items we have at our disposal. Since ancient Egyptian times, keys have been used to open the doorway between the conscious and subconscious mind. They give us access to realms beyond that which we live in. In the 1800s, keys were popularly used in love magic: to preserve marriages and unlock the heart’s passions.
Not only do keys unlock doorways, but they close them as well. As a result, they can be used to protect us from illness and harm. In addition, they can lock out ghosts, negative influences and keep peace inside the home.

Finding a Key
Folklore tells us that the most magically potent keys are ones that are accidentally found. While it isn’t necessary to go out and search for a discarded key, it can be a fun excuse to get out of the house. Any key will do, such as a car key, a tiny key to a long-discarded jewelry box, or a rusted house key. Bent keys are considered extremely lucky, so don’t dismiss a key because of an imperfection.
The best place to find a key is often near old dumpsites. If you take walks, keep your eyes open along the sides of the roads.
If there is a specific type of key you feel drawn towards, such as a skeleton key, don’t hesitate to purchase it. You can find skeleton keys for sale at flea markets and on online auction sites.
Preparing the Key
Before you use a key for magical purposes, cleanse it. A simple, effective way to do this is by giving it an Incense Cleansing. This will remove all negativity from the key and prepare it for magical uses.
Incense Cleansing
For this simple cleansing, you will need to choose purifying incense. Your choice includes cedarwood, cinnamon, frankincense & myrrh, lavender, pine, rosemary, sage, and sandalwood.
After you have chosen your incense, set it on your altar and light it. Hold the key to the North with your power hand and say:
Winds of the North, I call thee.
Cleanse and bless this sacred key.
Hold the key to the East and say:
Winds of the East, I call thee.
Cleanse and bless this sacred key.
Repeat for the South and West winds.
Hold the key over the incense smoke and say:
All impurities are now gone.
You are perfection.
You are a blessing.
So mote it be.
Set the key in a safe place until you are ready to use it.
Protection from Illness
Not so long ago, a key would be placed under a child’s pillow to lock out the evil spirits that cause illness. People would also hang a key over their bed for the same purpose.
Take a purified key outdoors during the full moon to protect yourself or a loved one from sickness. Hold the key up and say:
Gentle Winds and Soothing Moon,
Protect [name of person]
From sickness and harm.
Lock out fever, cold, and flu.
Only good health remains.
So mote it be.
Place the key between the mattress and box spring or hang it on the wall of the one it is meant to protect.

Lock Out Ghosts
While some people find the notion of nightly haunts charming, those of us who have had to live with nightly visitors find that some company is not worth having around. Lock Out Ghosts is meant to keep wandering ghosts outdoors and away from frail nerves and scared children.
The key that you use to lock out ghosts will be buried outside your door. An old door key will work perfectly for this spell, although other keys may be used.
Place the key on your altar or working space. Hold both of your hands over the key and say:
Nightly spirits and ghostly haunts,
You are not welcome here.
Loudly clap your hands together one time. Say:
Nightly spirits and ghostly haunts,
Don’t come near.
Clap your hands a second time over the key. Say:
Nightly spirits and ghostly haunts,
This door is locked.
Stay clear!
Clap one last time as loud as possible.
Take this key and bury it close to your door or front steps. If you live in an apartment, keep the key under the doormat, on the door ledge, or some place close to your front door.
Travel Protection
To lock out harm while traveling, purchase a key charm to wear on a necklace or use a small key that can be easily kept on your person.