We see eyes painted on boats in many cultures and for many different reasons.
Eyes have long been used around the world as a symbol of protection. The eyes of gods and goddesses provided people with spiritual protection and protection from the Evil Eye. So, it is not surprising that they would be painted on boats to protect people who work in dangerous conditions.
Portuguese fishermen paint eyes on their boats to see their way to fish.

In China, it was reported that eyes were painted on boats to show fishermen the way through the water. It was also believed that they eyes would help them find their way back home.
An article published in 1895 says:
“There are thousands of sampans, or little Chinese gondolas, with great black and white eyes painted on each side of their prow. There are cargo boats, which have bigger eyes, and there are vast ships, the eyes of which are as large around as a dinner plate. The Chinese paint eyes on all their boats, and a sailor would as soon think of trying to travel through a city blindfolded as of sailing on a boat which had not a pair of eyes painted on the front of it.” [Source: Evening star. (Washington, D.C.), 20 April 1895.]
Eye are painted on boats in Vietnam to protect the boats from monsters within the water. The eyes would scare off any predators.
The eyes are also said to bring fishermen good luck.