In symbolism, stars represent a variety of things, including hope, guidance, and protection. They have been used in jewelry and other items for centuries to express these meanings.
As a Tarot card, “The Star is closely linked to the Heavens on which it depends, and also conjures up the mysteries of sleep and darkness. The individual must conform and harmonize with the strong rhythm of the cosmos, to shine in personal brightness.” (The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols. Jean Chevalier and Alain Gheerbrant, translated by John Buchanan-Brown.)
In modern times, stars are often used in tattoos to symbolize a personal meaning.
Stars are a popular tattoo choice because they are relatively small and can be easily placed in various locations on the body. They can also be combined with other symbols to create a more intricate design.
Behind-the-ear star tattoos are prevalent at this time and often symbolize magic.
If you are thinking of getting a star tattoo, it is crucial to think about the meaning you want to associate with it. Once you have decided on a meaning, you can work with your tattoo artist to create a design that reflects your unique personality.

Egyptian Goddess of the Stars
Nuit is the Egyptian Goddess of the stars. She is depicted as a beautiful woman wearing a star-studded dress.
Nuit was considered the mother of all things and the wife of the god Ra. She was said to have created the world and the sky and given birth to the sun and the moon.
Nuit was also associated with fertility and the afterlife.
Stars in Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, the stars were said to be the children of Atlas and Pleione. There were also two constellations of stars that were said to be the bears that nursed Zeus. Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are the names of these constellations.

Old Maids Cut the Stars
In Northern Mythology (Benjamin Thorpe) we find the following description of the stars:
“Old maid and bachelors, according to the North Frisians, are curiously employed after death. As soon as the sun is sunk below the horizon, the old maids must cut stars out of it, which the old bachelors, during the night, must blow up in the east, going all the time up or down a ladder.”
There are almost as many star superstitions as stars in the night sky.
The most popular superstition is if you make a wish on a falling star, it will come true. Some people also believe that if you see a shooting star, you have to make a wish quickly, or it won’t come true. Other people believe that if you see a falling star, you have to wish for someone else, not yourself.

But there are other star superstitions. For example, to find something lost, you must look up at the night sky and count out 100 stars without counting any of them more than once. When you are finished, the thing you lost will be found.
It was also believed that you could wish when the first star appeared in the evening sky. However, do not speak again until the next star appears so that your wish will come true.
Finally, count nine stars each night for nine nights for those seeking a lover. On the ninth night, place a mirror under your pillow to dream of your future lover.