Black candles have long been used in witchcraft and the occult, but many people do not understand the significance of black candles. In addition, because of Hollywood’s portrayal of witchcraft, some believe that black candles are used in evil spells and magic when, in practice, that is far from the truth.
But first, let us look at the symbolism of the color black, the symbolism of candles, and how black candles are used in modern-day spells and rituals.
Symbolism of the Color Black
Black is the color of mystery. It is the color of magic and darkness, and it symbolizes death.
Black is a color that can be found in nature, but it also has many symbolic meanings. Black has been associated with death since ancient times when people believed that black was the absence of all colors and life. Science shows us this is not true.
In some cultures, black is a symbol of power or sophistication.
Ancient Egyptians had a unique view of the color black. To them, black represented the rich soil after the flooded Nile receded. This black, rich soil represented life, rebirth, and abundance.
In some Hindu communities, wearing black is associated with widowhood or sadness because it’s the color of Krishna’s clothes.
In Western culture, black is often seen as a symbol of death because it represents what happens after life – darkness, and mystery.
In other cultures, though, black can mean something powerful or sophisticated.
In science, black absorbs light and all colors. In witchcraft today, practitioners use this knowledge when working with black candles. It’s a color of absorption, acceptance, and attraction.

Candle Symbolism
The earliest evidence of candle use comes from a cave in South Africa, with evidence of beeswax candles dating back to 40,000 BC.
The earliest recorded use of candle symbolism was during the Iron Age, where it was used as a symbol for life.
Candles were also used to ward off evil spirits, and their flames were seen as a sign of divine protection.
Candles have been used for many purposes over the years, with some being more popular than others. However, they have always been associated with light and flame, so they are often used at funerals and memorials.

Candles in Ritual
Candle rituals are a way to have a personal, spiritual connection. They are often used for healing, meditation, and self-discovery.
Candles can be used to represent many things in life. For example, red candles can represent love and passion. White candles represent purity and spirituality. Green candles are used for growth and harmony.
Use of Black Candles in Witchcraft and the Occult
Black candles can be used in a variety of ways in witchcraft, including:
-Charging and consecrating tools
-Binding and repelling negative entities
-Casting spells
-Creating protective circles
-Honoring the dead
-Attracting money and wealth
-Banishing negative energy
Black Candles and Hecate
Black candles would be lit at the crossroads in ancient and medieval times. People used these candles to honor the ancient goddess Hecate and call upon her during times of need.