The Agate Stone in Superstition and Its Symbolism

Agate stones are a result of the different ways the silica gel deposits in the host rock. Most agates are found in volcanic rocks, but they can also form in sedimentary rocks.

The term agate comes from the Achates River in Sicily, where agates were first found. The river got its name from the Latin word “acates,” meaning “sharp,” because of the stones found in the river.

The different colors of agate are the result of the different minerals in the silica gel. The most common colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

The most common type of agate is banded agate. This agate has a banded or striped appearance, with different colors in different bands.

Other types of agate include fortification agate, which has a wavy or spiny appearance, and eye agate, which has a circular pattern that looks like an eye.

Caring for Agate Stones

To clean agate stones, you can use warm water and a mild soap. Be sure to rinse the stones thoroughly and dry them with a soft cloth.

Agate stones can also be worn while you are working out or doing other physical activities. However, they should be removed before swimming or bathing, as the stones can absorb water and become damaged.

It is also important to store agate stones properly. They should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Meanings and Symbolism

The agate stone has a long history of use in jewelry and other decorative items.

It is said to be a stone of protection, and is believed to be able to protect the wearer from harm and ward off negative energy. It is also said to be a stone of strength and courage, and can help the wearer to overcome difficult challenges.

In Crystal Decoder (Sue Lilly) we read:

“In Classical Greece and Rome, and later during the Middle Ages, gemstones were related to the virtues and vices of the planets. For example, red and orange stones such as carnelians and agates were associated with courage, honor, and success under the influence of the planet Mars.”

E.A. Wallis Budge (Amulets and Superstitions) explains agate use further:

“The ‘red agate,’ which is mentioned by Pliny… and known as ‘blood agate,’ was a protection against the large spiders and scorpions. The so-called ‘green agate’ is potent in quelling disease of any kind in the eyes. The brown agate, or ‘tawny agate,’ is the most powerful of all and the most popular, for it makes the warrior victorious, protects a man against every kind of poisonous reptile, gives a lover favor in the sight of his lady, the sick man who holds it in his hand recovers, and gives a man riches, happiness, health, and long life. It also increases a man’s intelligence. It drives away fevers, epilepsy, and madness; stops the flow of rheum in the eye, reduces menstruation, disperses the water in dropsy. In Italy and Persia it protects the wearer against the ‘Evil Eye.’ The triangular agate amulets worn in Syria on the neck keep away intestinal troubles. Black agate, with white stripes, is greatly prized, but green agate is also greatly treasured; for if a woman drinks the water in which a green agate ring has been washed she will never be sterile. The amulets of grey agate which are common in Egypt, and are worn on the neck, prevent stiff-neck and ward off colic and diarrhea.”

Generally, wearers believe the agate is a stone of wisdom and intellect. It is said to help the wearer to think clearly and to make wise decisions.

It is also said to be a stone of healing, and can help to heal physical and emotional wounds.

Daily Life Use

According to Scott Cunningham and David Harrington (The Magical Household):

“Agates and lodestones are both powerful household amulets… Agates bring luck to the home, as does a carved piece of turquoise.”

Agates are known for their ability to promote healing. They can be used to heal physical wounds, as well as emotional wounds.

Agates can also help to balance your energy and promote feelings of peace and calm.

If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try carrying an agate stone with you. The stone’s energy will help to calm and soothe you.

If you are struggling with a physical injury, placing an agate stone over the injured area can help to promote healing.

Agate stones can also be used to improve your overall well-being. They can help to improve your concentration and focus, and can be helpful in promoting creativity and productivity.

If you are looking for a way to improve your daily life, consider using agate stones. Their healing properties can help to promote balance and healing in your body, mind, and spirit.


There are seven main chakras in the body, which are believed to be responsible for different areas of our lives.

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine, and is responsible for our sense of grounding and security.

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, and is responsible for our creativity and sexuality.

The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen, and is responsible for our sense of self-confidence and power.

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, and is responsible for our ability to love and be compassionate.

The throat chakra is located in the throat, and is responsible for our ability to communicate.

The third eye chakra is located in the center of the forehead, and is responsible for our intuition and ability to see the future.

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head, and is responsible for our sense of connection to the divine.

The agate stone is believed to be beneficial for all of the chakras, and can be used to help align and balance them.

Author: StrangeAgo