Books You Need to Read Before Starting a Museum

Before starting your own museum, you will want to read as many books on the subject as you can. Not only do you want to be successful with your dream of opening a museum, you also want to be prepared for all the work that is involved.

Some of your best resources in this field will be books. This book list covers a range of topics you will need to be aware of as you begin your journey as a non-profit museum. Each book is linked to its page on for your convenience.

Museum 101 by Mark Walhimer

This one book covers all the basics you need to know and think about before starting up your own museum.

First, author Mark Walhimer walks us through a brief history of museums, and then it’s on to the meat and potatoes of the book: starting a museum, creating exhibitions, finances and fundraising, and so much more.

If you plan on buying only one book on museum start-ups, this is the one you want.

The Curator’s Handbook by Adrian George

A curator in a museum is someone who takes care of the museums collections and helps acquire more items for display. Large museums have more than one curator, each in charge of a different section or subject.

As someone who wants to start their own museum, you will probably be taking on this role yourself. At the very least, you will be active in acquiring objects for your museum during the startup.

The Curator’s Handbook will walk you through the how-to’s of this position, including coming up with exhibition ideas, space planning, pitching your exhibition ideas, funding, and more.

While Museum 101 is the first book I would recommend before starting a museum, this is the second book that needs to be on your reading list.

Designing Museum Experiences by Mark Walhimer

Visiting a museum is more than just looking at objects set behind glass. There needs to be a genuine experience happening to gain visitors and supporters.

And that is where Designing Museum Experiences comes in. It focuses on how people will interact with your museum and its subject, which is extremely important in today’s world.

Creating Exhibitions: Collaboration in the Planning, Development, and Design of Innovative Experiences by Polly McKenna-Cress and Janet Kamien

Setting up exciting museum exhibits is crucial to running a successful museum. Thankfully, there are quite a few books on this subject.

Creating Exhibitions covers collaboration, planning, design approaches, visitor experiences, and more.

These are all things that help museums, especially small museums, succeed.

Anarchist’s Guide to Historic House Museums by Franklin D. Vagnone and Deborah E. Ryan

If you are thinking of going the “historic house” route instead of a full-blown museum, you will want to read this book.

Transform a house with history into an experience visitors won’t forget.

Author: StrangeAgo