Published in 1962, this short list of low cost beauty tips is a glimpse into the life of a teenager during the sixties.
Low Cost Beauty Tips
*If you don’t want to invest in a lipstick brush, use a child’s paintbrush. Hold it like a pencil.
*Hang over the bed when you brush your hair so the blood will rush to your head and make your hair shiny with natural oil.

*When you shampoo your hair, shampoo your hairbrush also, so dirty oil won’t go back into your hair.
*Cut about a 1/4 inches off of dad’s old shaving brush and use it for a complexion brush. Use an old mug for soap suds and apply with a brush.
*Store orange peels in a jar until they curl and are slightly dry. Then drop in a bath for an aromatic oil bath, such as Cleopatra is said to have used.

*Mix three tablespoons of white petroleum jelly with one teaspoon of salt and spread on your face. An hour later, wash off with Castile soap and warm water to get rid of pimples, to firm skin and give softness.
*Spray a little hairspray on an old toothbrush and train eyebrows.
*To preserve a hairset while sleeping, wrap head in a paper towel turban and cover with a shower cap or oversized hair net.
Source: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1962-11-02/ed-1/seq-48/