There are so many pillow superstitions and charms worldwide that an entire book could cover the subject. In fact, one author who covered the topic of Voodoo said that pillow witchcraft (as he called it) was so prevalent within just the Voodoo tradition that it was impossible for him to record all of the charms.
Here is just a sampling of American and European pillow superstitions and charms.
1. Cork Up Cramps
From out of Devonshire we learn that placing a cork under one’s pillow is a “sure cure” for cramps.
2. Make Your Lover Come to You
Be careful what you wish for!
“To make your lover come to you, sleep with your scissors under your pillow.” [1]

3. Dream of Your Lover
Here’s what to do if you want to dream of your lover:
“If you put three barleycorns under your pillow, you will dream of your lover.” [1]
4. Another Way to Dream of Lover
Since the majority of women don’t wear petticoats these days (unless you are into cosplay), you can substitute the petticoat with some other clothing item, such as a bra or pair of undies.
“If you wish to dream of your lover, do not tell anyone what you mean to do, but after you enter your room do not speak but fold your petticoat under your pillow and repeat the following:
“On Friday night when I go to bed,
I place my petticoat under my head,
To dream of the living and not the dead,
To dream of the one that I shall wed.” [1]
5. Good Luck Wedding Cake
I knew someone who did this with my wedding cake, and while I did not follow up on whether or not it worked, I certainly hope she had better luck than my marriage did.
The superstition is that if you place a piece of someone’s wedding cake under your pillow, it will bring you god luck. [3]

6. See Your True Lover
However, if you want to see your true love, do this:
“If a girl wishes to see her true love, she must pluck the yarrow from the grave of a young man and place it under her pillow, saying:
“Yarrow, sweet yarrow, the first that I’ve found,
In the name of Jesus Christ I pluck thee from the ground.
As Joseph loves sweet Mary and took her for his dear,
So in a dream this night I hope my true love will appear.” [1]
7. Have a Dog’s Dream
Of course, if you are not interested in dreaming of future lovers, you could always check out what your dog is dreaming.
From Southern Kentucky:
“If you cut a lock of dog’s hair and put it under your pillow, you will dream what the dog has dreamed.” [4]
8. Make Your Dreams Come True
Here’s a wish-come-true charm you can test out if you don’t have any cats or dogs or nightmares:
Place the “dream” bone from a ham under your pillow. It will supposedly make your dreams come true. [3]

9. New Moon Dreams Come True
A less smelly method of making your dreams come true involves gathering a pinch of dirt from under your left heel after you first look at the new moon. Place the dirt under your pillow and your dreams that night will come true. [3]
10. To Find Out What His Intentions Are
Now here is a sneaking little way of finding up what that guy is up to:
“If you take the initials of the man you love and your own initials, write them on a slip of paper, pin them with six pins in the middle of your handkerchief and place them under your pillow, you will dream of what his intentions are toward you.” [1]
11. To Discover a Best Friend
Here’s a little spell to help you uncover who your best friend will be:
“Place under your pillow an ounce of yarrow seed and say:
“The pretty herb of Venus’ tree,
Thy true name is yarrow.
Now who my bosom friend must be,
Pray tell thou me tomorrow.” [1]
12. Messages to the Dead
Have something to tell a dead person?
“It is believed by the Bulgarians that the dead can carry messages to other lost friends, and such are sent symbolically by placing around the corpse, flowers, candles, and a pillow of homespun linen filled with earth, a handful being dropped in by each friend. This is placed under the head.” [1]
13. Scissor Those Nightmares
From Indiana: Scissors under the pillow will prevent nightmares. [2]
14. Horseshoe
Place a horseshoe under your pillow to keep evil spirits away while you sleep. [3]

15. Fight Off the Nightmare Man
Step aside, Slender Man. Nightmare Man was here, first.
“In Windham, Maine, as well as in other parts of our country, exists the belief that nightmare is caused by the nightmare man, a kind of evil spirit striving with one. It is prevented by placing a sharp knife under the pillow, and stuffing the keyhole with cotton.” [1]
16. Protection From Witches
A similar superstition from North Carolina tells us that putting a knife under one’s pillow at night will drive away witches. [2]

17. Charm for Happy Dreams
Over the years, I have read and heard of numerous under the pillow charms involving ashes. This one is new to me:
“Burn hazelnuts and do up the ashes in packages. These placed under the pillow will insure happy dreams.” [1]
18. Sore Neck Cure
Got a crick in the old neck? According to folklore, that may be a sure sign you are about to get hanged.
However, in Cornwall, a quick fix to a neck kink is to place a crooked (bent) sixpence under your pillow.
1. Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World: A Comprehensive Library of Human Belief and Practice in the Mysteries of Life. Volume 1. Cora Linn Daniels. 1903.
2. Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from North Carolina. Volume 4874, Issue 8569. 1964.
3. Superstitions: 10,000 You Really Need. William Carroll. 1998.
4. Kentucky Superstitions. Daniel Lindsey Thomas and Lucy Blayney Thomas .1920.