How to report news or events to your local newspaper or news station

I originally wrote this piece for the UFO community on Reddit, but this format can be used for any topic you want to report to your local newspaper or news station.

After witnessing an event, people are generally excited to tell what they saw, but this can lead to phone messages and emails that don’t make a lot of sense to reporters and news producers.

So the very first step you need to take is writing down what happened, what will happen, or whatever it is you want to share with your community.

Even if you plan on calling in to the news station or newspaper, write down what you need to say.


Begin with who you are and your phone number. Even if you are filling out an online form and have already included this information, write it down again.

“This is Elizabeth Yetter. My number is 555-555-5555.”

What and Where

Make your initial statement (your first sentence) brief and factual.

What did you see and where did you see it? Or what is the event and where will it happen?

“I saw a strange light hovering over the graveyard on the corner of C and Y Street.”


“A clan of Bohemian women will be having a street dance party at C and Y Street.”


Include when this happened or when it will happen.

“I saw a strange light hovering over the graveyard on the corner of C and Y Street on Wednesday night at around 11 p.m.”

“A clan of Bohemian women will be having a street dance party at C and Y Street on Thursday evening starting at 6 p.m.”

Further Information

After your initial statement, include any further information about the sighting or event.

Feel free to include your personal thoughts about what the sighting might be, but keep it brief

“I saw a strange light hovering over the graveyard on the corner of C and Y Street on Wednesday night at around 11 p.m.

“I live next to the cemetery and was closing my garage door when I saw the light in the sky. It hovered over the cemetery and then shot straight up into the air. Has there been any other UFO or drone sightings in the area?”


“A clan of Bohemian women will be having a street dance party at C and Y Street on Thursday evening starting at 6 p.m.

“They are a group of eclectic women who want to share the joy of dancing with their community. Everyone is welcome to come and join in the event. Long, flowing skirts are optional.”

Make It Make Sense

The quickest way to get deleted in a reporter or producer’s inbox is to not make sense.

Be Specific

Read your statement out loud and make sure you are answering what, where, and when.

Offer an Alternative

If you are reporting an unusual sighting, from a strange animal to a strange light in the sky, invite the reporter or producer to take a further look into the sighting by offering a possible alternative to a UFO sighting – some news writers love having the opportunity to disprove a UFO sighting and possibly pick up on a local news topic:

“Local hooligans scaring neighbors with late night drones”

Don’t Be Discouraged

Finally, don’t be discouraged.

If you are reporting on a strange light in the sky or a big, hairy something lumbering through the woods, your sighting probably will not be picked up in the news, unless there are multiple sightings.

And this is why it is important that you do make the report: The more people report these sightings or any strange event, the more likely they will get covered by local news stations and newspapers.

Author: StrangeAgo