A large snapping turtle, found inside a mail bag, help the post office hostage as it snapped at everything in sight.
Turtle in Mail Bag
SAN FRANCISCO, Ca., Sept. 24, 1906 — A large snapping turtle arrived in a mail bag in the post office here today.
A large number of mail bags had been emptied. When the clerk reached for a bundle, a head popped out and snapped at his hand. The clerk was badly frightened.

Kicking away the pile of mail, he uncovered the turtle. It weighed about 15 pounds, and was very ferocious, snapping at everything in sight.
It had the run of the post office for a few minutes until a porter turned it on its back and got a rope around it.
There was nothing to indicate where it had come from, and the clerk did not know which bag is had been in.
Source: The San Francisco call. (San Francisco [Calif.]), 24 Sept. 1906.