The mutilated body of a woman was found inside a sack in a creek in Detroit, Michigan, 1909.
Michigan Officers are Hard at Work

DETROIT, Mich., September 8, 1909 – The sheriff and police of the entire state started in with redoubled energy today to run down the slayer of Maybelle Millman.
The one clue, which is being followed, is to the effect that a young woman, answering the description of the victim was seen in the vicinity of Ecorse Creek last week in company with a Detroit man, who formerly worked at Ann Harbor.

The body of the young woman was found in a sack floating in Ecorse Creek by two fishermen.
The arms and lower limbs had been severed from the body with some sharp instrument and for some time it was impossible to identify the body.
Source: The Daily Ardmoreite. (Ardmore, Okla.), 08 Sept. 1909.