A wild cat of some sort attacked a steer. The dog would not venture out and the prints at the scene were large.
Beast Mangles Steers

MANKATO, Minn., March 6, 1907. — A mountain lion, panther, or other ferocious wild animal made its presence known near this city by attacking a three-year-old steer on the farm of Columbus Ballard.
It leaped upon the back of the steer and tore it badly and nearly killed it.
Mr. Ballard was in the barn milking at the time, but his attention was attracted by the stampeding of the herd in the pasture and their wild bellowing.
The house dog, ordinarily courageous, slunk to the house panic-stricken.
Mr. Ballard got a lantern and with his hired man investigated and found the steer nearly dead and the rest of the cattle so excited that it took two hours to calm them.
A tour of the timbered portion of the pasture revealed large footprints in the snow, made by some strange animal.
Source: New Ulm review. (New Ulm, Brown County, Minn.), 06 March 1907.