In ancient Sumerian religion, Enki is a god of wisdom, magic, and water. He is widely considered as one of the most important deities in Sumerian mythology.
However, some theorists believe that Enki may not have been a god at all, but rather an ancient alien.
The theory that Enki was an ancient alien is based on several pieces of evidence.

Firstly, Enki is said to have come from the heavens, specifically from the planet Nibiru, which is said to be the home of an alien race known as the Anunnaki. This has led some to suggest that Enki was an extraterrestrial being rather than a traditional god.
Additionally, Enki is often depicted in ancient Sumerian texts as having a distinct set of features which are similar to those of the so-called “gray aliens” that have been reported in modern UFO sightings.

Furthermore, in many ancient texts, Enki is described as having a powerful and mysterious presence, as well as the ability to control the elements and to create life. Some argue that these abilities are more indicative of an advanced extraterrestrial being than a mere god.
Another point that supports the idea that Enki was an ancient alien is the fact that the Sumerians described him as the one who taught humans how to build, how to write, how to cultivate and how to organize society, which is quite advanced for an ancient civilization.