Top 5 Herbs and Spices Used in Money Magick

Money magick is a type of spellwork that involves using herbs and other natural items to attract wealth and financial abundance.

Being a member of GenX, when I first started dabbling in the arts, I was told by many Boomer witches that money spells were in bad form.

Now that I am a mother of a Millennial, a GenZ, and an Alpha, I know that this is total bullshit. We are allowed to ask for what we want, and should not feel ashamed about having needs. 

Here are five herbs that are commonly used in money magick:

1. Basil

green leaf plant on brown wooden surface
Photo by monicore on

This herb is believed to attract money and prosperity when used in spells and charms. It can be used in a variety of ways, such as by carrying a fresh basil leaf in your wallet or by growing basil in your home.

2. Cinnamon

cinnamon sticks
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Cinnamon is a powerful herb that is said to attract wealth and success. It can be used in money spells by sprinkling cinnamon powder on money or by burning cinnamon sticks to release the herb’s money-attracting energy.

3. Bay leaves

close up of dried bay leaves on cutting board
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Bay leaves are often used in money spells because they are believed to bring good luck and prosperity. Therefore they can be added to a money charm or spell bag, or they can be written with a money-attracting intention and burned.

4. Cloves

dried cloves in close up shot
Photo by Eva Bronzini on

Cloves are another powerful herb that is used in money magick because they are believed to attract wealth and success. Use them in charms by adding them to a charm pouch or by burning them with a money-attracting intention.

5. Nutmeg

hypericum with dried green leaves near anise and nutmegs
Photo by Skylar Kang on

Nutmeg is believed to be a powerful herb for attracting money and success. It can be used in spells by carrying a whole nutmeg in your pocket or by grinding it up and adding it to a money spell bag.

Basically, it’s important to note that the power of herbs and spices in money magick lies in your belief and intention. They are but a tool to help focus and channel that energy.

Furthermore, it’s always best to use fresh ingredients and to combine them with other elements such as crystals, candles, and affirmations to make the most out of your spellwork.

Author: StrangeAgo