Top 10 Popular Superstitions and their Meanings

Superstitions have been a part of human culture for centuries. From throwing salt over your shoulder to avoid bad luck, to carrying a rabbit’s foot for good fortune, superstitions are still widely believed and practiced today.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 most popular superstitions and the meanings behind them.

1. Knocking on wood to prevent bad luck

This superstition is believed to originate from ancient Pagan beliefs that spirits lived in trees. Knocking on wood would appease them and prevent bad luck.

2. Crossing your fingers for good luck

Some believe this superstition is believed to have originated from the Christian faith, as it resembles the shape of the cross and was thought to invoke the protection of God.

However, knot magic was a popular form a magic among nearly all of the ancient Pagan beliefs. This would pre-date the formation of Christianity.

a woman with a string
Photo by Anastasiia Chaikovska on

3. Tying a string around your finger to remember something

This superstition is based on the idea that physically tying something to your body will help you remember it. It also harkens, once again, to the knot magic traditions of our ancient Pagan ancestors.

4. Blowing out birthday candles to make a wish

This superstition is based on the idea that blowing out the candles on a birthday cake before making a wish will make the wish come true. To blow out the candle with intent and releasing the wish into the spirit world is an ancient Pagan tradition.

photo of white cake with candles on top
Photo by Polina Tankilevitch on

5. Spilling salt brings bad luck

Spilling salt as bad luck originated from ancient times, when salt was a valuable commodity and spilling it was seen as a waste.

6. Walking under a ladder brings bad luck

This superstition is believed to have originated from the fact that a ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, which was seen as a sacred shape in ancient times. It also harkens to a more recent time when people were hanged on ladders, trees limbs, and wherever else an angry mob could string up a rope.

blue umbrella on black stairs
Photo by Ravi Kant on

7. Opening an umbrella indoors brings bad luck

The umbrella superstition is believed to have originated from the fact that opening an umbrella indoors was seen as a sign of bad manners and disrespect. Many superstitions we hear today have stemmed from the idea of what is proper behavior. Tricking the common people into thinking it is a form of bad luck was once a common habit.

8. Seeing a magpie brings bad luck

This is based on the idea that magpies are messenger birds and seeing one is a sign of bad news to come.

selective focus photography of a brown and black frog
Photo by Pixabay on

9. Touching a toad brings bad luck

In Christian superstition, toads are associated with witchcraft and evil.

10. Itching left palm means you will lose money, while itching right palm means you will receive money

This superstition is based on the idea that the palms of the hands are somehow connected to financial fortunes.

Author: StrangeAgo