The Vikings, also known as the Norsemen, were a seafaring people who hailed from the late eighth to the early 11th century. They were known for their fierce raids and conquests, which took them as far as North America, Africa, and Asia.
But what made the Vikings such formidable raiders?
This article will take a closer look at the tactics and strategies used by these ancient warriors.

Naval Technology
One of the key advantages of the Vikings was their naval technology. They developed advanced ships, such as the longship, which were fast, maneuverable, and could navigate shallow waters.
These ships allowed the Vikings to travel quickly and quietly, making surprise attacks more effective. Additionally, their ships could be beached, allowing them to launch raids on coastal settlements.
Psychological Warfare
Another key aspect of Viking raiding tactics was their use of psychological warfare.
They often employed terrifying symbols and costumes, such as horned helmets, to intimidate their enemies.
Sometimes they used loud battle cries and the blowing of horns to create an atmosphere of chaos and confusion. This psychological warfare often caused their enemies to panic and flee, making it easier for the Vikings to defeat them.

Hand-to-hand Combat
There was also hand-to-hand combat. Vikings were trained in various forms of combat, including axe-fighting and sword-fighting.
They used a wide range of weapons, such as spears, shields, and bows, to maximize their effectiveness in battle.
Additionally, they often fought in formation, using shield walls to protect themselves from enemy projectiles.

Hit-and-run Tactics
The Vikings also employed a strategy of hit-and-run tactics.
They would launch quick, surprise attacks on settlements and then retreat before reinforcements could arrive. This strategy allowed them to maximize their loot while minimizing their casualties.