At the center of Sumerian religion were the gods and goddesses, who were believed to have created the world and governed the forces of nature.
One of the most important Sumerian deities was Anu, who was considered the supreme god of the sky and the father of all the other gods. Anu was often depicted as a powerful and regal figure, who held authority over the other gods and made decisions about the fate of the world.

Another important deity in Sumerian religion was Enlil, the god of the air and wind. Enlil was often seen as a powerful and capricious deity, who could bring both good and bad fortune to the people of Sumer. He was also believed to have control over the fertility of the land, and was therefore associated with agricultural prosperity.

Inanna, the goddess of love, war, and fertility, was important in the Sumerian religion. Inanna was depicted as a powerful and beautiful woman, who was worshipped for her ability to bring fertility to the land and protection to the people. She was also seen as a source of inspiration for artists, musicians, and poets, and was often celebrated in religious festivals and rituals.

The worship of the Sumerian gods and goddesses was central to the daily life of the ancient Sumerians.
People would offer sacrifices and perform rituals to ensure the gods’ favor, and they would also build temples and shrines in honor of their deities. These religious structures were not only places of worship, but also served as centers of administration, commerce, and social activity.