In the winter of 1924, Indianapolis and surrounding areas was experiencing below freezing temperatures. A woman, 45, got out of bed and left her house in the early morning. She was later found a short distance from her home, frozen to death. It was assumed that she was sleepwalking.
Woman Sleepwalker is Frozen to Death

INDIANAPOLIS, December 29, 1924. — One death, much suffering among the poor, damage to railway, traction and wire service, and the freezing of water pipes resulted from the record-breaking cold wave which held Indiana in its grip yesterday.
An average maximum temperature of from 10 to 22 degrees below zero was reported from over the state.
Mrs. Ralph Nattinger, 45, apparently walking in her sleep, left her home in Seymour, about 5 o’clock this morning. Her body was found a few rods from the house soon afterwards, where she had frozen to death.
Several agencies from over the state reported intense suffering among the poor because of lack of fuel and clothing.
Efforts are being made to comfortably house the needy until the cold wave passes.
Practically all railway trains and traction cars were running behind schedule and many wires were snapped, according to reports reaching here.
Source: Evening star. (Washington, D.C.), 29 Dec. 1924.