The Seal of Solomon, also known as the Star of David, is a symbol consisting of two interlaced triangles forming a six-pointed star.
This symbol is rich with historical and mystical significance and appears in various cultures and religions, including Judaism, Islam, and Western occult traditions.

Jewish Tradition
The Seal of Solomon is often associated with King Solomon, a biblical figure known for his wisdom and as a powerful king who ruled Israel in the 10th century BCE.
The seal was purportedly used by Solomon in various legends for magical purposes, such as the binding of demons and communication with animals.
For example, we find in The History of Magic and the Occult by Kurt Seligmann (Harmony Books, 1975) that, “His theological and demonological wisdom has become legendary; his magic lamp and celebrated seal enabled him to command the spirits of hell.” (p. 30)
Islamic Culture
The Seal is referred to as the “Ring of Solomon” and appears in stories within the Islamic texts, where it is often depicted as a magical object giving Solomon the power to control spirits and jinn.
The Seal’s depiction in Islam also symbolizes wisdom and authority.

Western Occultism
The Seal of Solomon is considered a powerful symbol used in ceremonial magic and is believed to offer protection against evil forces. It is sometimes used in talismans and amulets with various inscriptions to enhance its mystical properties.
In The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1967), we find that, “In modern theory the hexagram stands for the combination of both ‘above’ and ‘below,’ represented by its two triangles, one pointing up and the other down. It is an emblem of man as God. It is also a symbol of the Philosopher’s Stone, because it unites the symbols of fire and water.” (p. 242-243)
The symbol has been adopted in various esoteric and historical contexts, symbolizing the unity of opposites (fire and water, air and earth) and representing the harmony of creation.