Corrupt and Immoral Teenage Girl Arrested for Wearing Short Skirts, Drinking Wine, and Dancing

In 1909, the Hammond Chief of Police took it upon himself to begin arresting “immoral” and “corrupt” 16-year-old girls. Below is the story of one of these wicked girls whose dancing and drinking shocked Hammond.

Another is Arrested in Crusade

HAMMOND, In., March 27, 1909. — Today 16-year-old Tillie Krebs, the sixth of a crowd of 16-year-old girls, was arrested by the Hammond police in the crusade which has been started by Chief of Police Austgen to eliminate the corrupting influence, from the community, of a number of girls whose depravity and licentiousness has made the whole community stand aghast.

There are two other girls who will be arrested on the slightest provocation and not until they are finally on their way to Indianapolis will the community be free from their degrading influence.

Public Should Know

Chief of Police Austgen is of the opinion that it is right and proper the facts should be laid bare so that the people of Hammond, the fathers and mothers of other young girls, may know how they came to be started on the downward path.

He is also of the opinion that it will point out the places of amusement, where these young girls are started on the road to ruin and will result in their being more closely regulated.

Consequently Tillie Krebs was commanded to tell her whole story to a reporter for The Times, and so terrible were the details of its recital that only a small portion of it is printable.

Tillie Krebs’ story is as follows.

“I live with my stepfather, William Hilts, a driver on a lumber wagon, and my mother in 1421 Wenworth Avenue, Chicago Heights. I am employed as a domestic.

“I first came to Hammond with my mother, who was with a party of lodge women who gave a picnic at Kindel’s grove, over on Wolf Lake. I met several young men during the day who were drinking and having a big time and in the evening one of them was responsible for my downfall. The man who is responsible for the first false step was a Hammond man, who I understand has since left the city.

Meets Bad Girls

“After that I frequently came to Hammond and met Annie Smith, Lizzie Morak and Minnie Dodge. In company with these girls I made dates with the boys we picked up on the street corners and we had some gay times.

“Last Saturday I came over to Hammond and went to Mika’s hall, where there is roller skating going on. There I met a young man, whose name I do not know, and he suggested that we go to the theater that evening.

“I met him at the Four Corners and we went to a theater. After the show he suggested that we go over to a wine room in West Hammond. There we had no difficulty in gaining entrance and had several drinks together.

“We stayed in that wine room all that night and in the meantime my mother thought I was over in Hammond visiting friends.”

When asked if any of the other girls had ever gone over to West Hammond, Miss Krebs laughed, and said that a few weeks ago she, together with Lizzie Morak and Minnie Dodge and three fellows, went to the wine room and remained there during the night.

Short Skirts No Bar

The 16-year-old girl told of other occasions when she came over to Hammond to attend dances and went out with young men. She said that fact that she wore short skirts did not bar her from the dance.

As Tillie Krebs talked she kept continually looking at her fingers, which were stained with the nicotine from cigarettes. When the fact that she smoke cigarettes was noted by people in the station, she laughed and admitted that she was a victim of the habit which is characteristic of dissolute women.

As the girl’s parents live in Chicago Heights, it was thought best to notify them. If they decide to take her home they will be notified that should she appear in Hammond again she will be arrested and sent to the school for girls at Indianapolis.

Source: The Lake County times. (Hammond, Ind.), 27 March 1909.

Author: StrangeAgo

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