Alabama Farmer Discovers Iron Pot Filled with Rare Spanish Gold Coins

James Frazer, a truck farmer, uncovered an iron pot containing numerous rare Spanish gold coins while splitting felled trees. The exact amount not disclosed, but the treasure was believed to have been buried over a hundred years before it was found in 1907.

Farmer Finds Pot of Coins

WEST END, Ala. Dec. 14, 1907. James Frazer, a truck farmer near West End, four miles below Mobile, Ala., while splitting trees that he had felled, brought to light an iron pot containing a large number of rare Spanish gold coins.

The amount of the find has not been made public. The tree was a very old one and the pot of gold is supposed to have been buried there over a century ago.

Source: The Madison journal. (Tallulah, Madison Parish, La.), 14 Dec. 1907.

Author: StrangeAgo

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