Farmer Discovers Urn Filled with Gold Coins and Precious Gems in Barn

Old barns are great for treasure hunting, whether you find an old horseshoe or an urn filled with gold and gemstones.

In 1929, it was reported that a New York farmer found such an urn, complete with mysterious inscriptions.

Farmer Finds Buried Gold Coin in Barn

INTERLAKEN, N.Y. — For no particular reason Will Eastman, a farmer living near here, started digging in a corner of his barn recently.

Being of a practical turn of mind, it is reported, he wasn’t sure if everything was right with himself when he came upon an ancient urn containing a fortune in gold coins and precious gems. He took the gems to a jeweler, however, and remained reticent about the amount of gold he found, meanwhile attempting to discover whether he had a legal claim to the treasure.

In the urn were two cards bearing the inscriptions:

“The heart will with its treasure be faithful until death, 1838”


“William Smart, stone mason, New Road, Spalding. Lincolnshire — for Charlotte Bernard, Billington. Lincolnshire.”

No families of Smarts or Bernards are known in this section, so far as can be learned.

Source: Vashon Island news-record. (Vashon, Wash.), 30 May 1929.

Author: StrangeAgo

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