A Quick Look at Bee Superstitions and Old Bits of Bee Folklore

Bees have long been surrounded by a variety of superstitions and bits of folklore.

Here are some common superstitions about bees from different cultures.

Telling the Bees

One of the most well-known superstitions involves “telling the bees.” 

In many European cultures, it was believed that bees needed to be informed of important events in their keeper’s life, such as births, marriages, and especially deaths. 

Failure to tell the bees about a death could result in the bees leaving the hive or dying.

Bees as Omens

Bees are often seen as omens. The appearance of a swarm of bees near a house can be interpreted as a sign of good fortune, prosperity, and fertility. 

Conversely, if bees abandon their hive, it is considered a bad omen, suggesting that misfortune or death may be imminent.

Bees and the Weather

Superstitions connect bees to weather predictions. 

For example, if bees are seen staying close to their hive, it is believed to indicate that rain or a storm is coming. 

On the other hand, if bees are out in large numbers and flying far from the hive, good weather is expected.

Bees and Souls

Bees are thought to be connected to the souls of the deceased. 

It was believed that bees could carry the souls of the dead to the afterlife or that the souls of the deceased could return as bees. 

This belief further emphasizes the importance of treating bees with respect.

Bees and Luck

Bees entering a home are considered to bring good luck, but only if they are allowed to leave on their own accord. 

Killing a bee inside the house is thought to bring bad luck. 

Similarly, if a bee lands on someone, it is often seen as a sign of good fortune or that money is coming their way.

Bees and Holy Days

In some traditions, it is believed that bees should not be disturbed or moved on certain holy days, such as Good Friday or Easter. Disturbing bees on these days is thought to bring bad luck or disrupt the hive’s productivity.

Bees and Pregnancy

It is believed that if a bee lands on a pregnant woman, the baby will be blessed with a sweet disposition. 

Additionally, seeing bees during pregnancy is sometimes considered a sign that the child will grow up to be industrious and hardworking.

Bees and Respect

There are various superstitions about treating bees with respect. 

It is said that speaking harshly or swearing near bees can anger them, leading to stings or poor honey production. 

Treating bees gently and with respect ensures a harmonious relationship and good honey yield.

Author: StrangeAgo

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