A Chicago Woman was Found Murdered, Her Throat Slit, and Dumped on a Pile of Ashes

A young woman was found murdered and dumped on an ash pile in Chicago, 1917. Police released the news that she was out “joyriding” and hanging out with boys. After the young men at the party were interviewed and released, the police captain decided that she must have been murdered by some random degenerate. Case closed.

Police Say Meda Yerion Was Killed By Degenerate

CHICAGO. April 7, 1917. — The Meda Yerion was murdered by a degenerate, after she had been dragged from 31st Street to the ash pile behind the notorious Pickwick Cafe early yesterday morning, was the opinion Capt. Thomas Meagher of the Cottage Grove Ave. Station expressed today.

Meagher says Meda was choked into unconsciousness and pulled along on her back for a distance of about 75 feet. Then the girl was thrown on the ash pile and later her throat was slashed. Her skirt was pulled up to cover her face.

The police learned that she was out on a joyride on the evening before the murder, but, after questioning the young men in the party, they released them without suspicions.

Author: StrangeAgo

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