Quick-Thinking Messenger Thwarts Train Robbery with Courage and a Sledgehammer

March 19, 1912 — In a remarkable display of bravery and quick thinking, an express messenger single-handedly foiled a daring robbery attempt on a Southern Pacific train in Texas. The messenger, identified as Trousdale, faced a life-threatening situation when confronted by an armed train robber.

As the bandit aimed his revolver at Trousdale, the quick-witted messenger distracted him by pointing to a package, claiming it contained a significant amount of wealth. When the robber’s attention shifted towards the bundle, Trousdale seized the moment. He grabbed a heavy sledgehammer and struck the robber on the head with such force that it crushed his skull, resulting in his immediate death.

Not stopping there, Trousdale then retrieved the fallen bandit’s revolver. He remained on high alert and, when the accomplice appeared, Trousdale acted swiftly, shooting the second bandit dead.

This act of remarkable courage and presence of mind by Trousdale not only saved the train and its passengers but also prevented what could have been a violent robbery.

Source: The day book. (Chicago, Ill.), 19 March 1912.

Author: StrangeAgo

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