In a tragic incident in Columbus, Thomas Lee, while intoxicated, ignored the suffering of his ten-month-old daughter, Geneva Bell Lee, who died of cholera infantum at their home. Following his arrest, the Humane Society initiated an investigation into Lee’s neglect of his family, revealing his misuse of funds meant for his children’s welfare. Lee was subsequently fined and sentenced to six months in the workhouse after pleading guilty to failing to provide for his children.
Inhumane Act of a Father

Ohio. September 23, 1907. — With his babe of ten months dying of cholera infantum at their home on West Center Street, Thomas Lee, a painter, slept in a drunken stupor on the floor with a bottle half full of whiskey lying beside him and another in his pocket, about ten o’clock Saturday night.
Mrs. Lee, driven nearly frantic by the actions of her husband during the illness of her child, called the police. Officers Wilhelm and Chapman answered the call and the drunken father was loaded in the patrol wagon and taken to the city prison. The child breathed its last breath before the father was locked in a cell.
The child, Geneva Bell Lee, died shortly after ten o’clock.
Sunday night when the father had sobered up from his debauch he was taken out to his home by an officer. He looked upon the remains of his baby in a most unconcerned manner and failed to exhibit a single emotion while in the house.
The Humane Society commenced an investigation of the case which is the most pitiful ever brought to light by the local authorities. The family has been but poorly provided for as the father spent all of his earnings for drink. Only the labor of the mother secured enough food for the children, three in number ranging from two to six years.
One son, three years old, had both legs cut off in a street car accident in Columbus a short time ago. The railway company settled the case by deeding the boy a house and lot in Columbus and the father was appointed guardian. A revenue of $10 per month is secured from the property but the father has appropriated the money for his own pleasure, spending it for liquor when his wife and children needed it for food.
The Humane Society filed an affidavit against Lee, charging him with failure to provide for his minor children.
The funeral of the child was held at one o’clock Monday afternoon at the little home. The father, accompanied by an officer, and exhibiting the same indifference, attended the funeral. After the daughter had been placed in her grave, the father was returned to his cell to await trial on the charge against him.
Lee was arranged in the mayor’s court and entered a plea of guilty. The mayor gave him one of the most severe lectures ever handed out to a prisoner in his court. In addition the mayor sentenced Lee to pay a fine of $50 and the costs and serve six months in the Columbus workhouse.
Source: The Marion daily mirror. (Marion, Ohio), 23 Sept. 1907.