During a fuel (coal) crisis in 1922, Maine’s governor told his constituents to begin cutting wood in preparation for the cold winter months.
Governor Urges All to Cut a Cord of Wood

Governor Baxter has announced a slogan which he hopes will stir the people of this state into action in coping with the fuel crisis. It is “Cut a cord of wood and cut out coal.” He calls for big “wood chopping bees” as a further means of relief, and there is every indication of a tremendous response.
Director Andrew P. Lane, of the Maine fuel administration, sent out more than 2,000 letters asking for suggestions, advice and help in coping with the task. Prominent citizens throughout the state lead the wood chopping parties into the woods and assist in hauling and distribution.
Source: The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]), 14 Aug. 1922.