Search Continues for Missing Man Three Years After Disappearance

There were a lot of unsolved missing person cases in the past such as the Wisconsin one below from 1912 where a man boarded a train and disappeared. While he might have merely gotten off the train in a different location and no one saw him, something could have also happened to him on the train. After all, there were plenty of cases of people being pushed off moving trains and people being murdered and stuffed into trunks to be moved to a final resting place.

Private Detective Will Work On Case

J. J. Johnson and Detective John Sather drove out in the country Tuesday in Mr. Johnson’s auto. Mr. Sather went out to gather some information concerning the strange disappearance of Marinus Nelson three years ago, he having been employed on the case.

Nelson had been at work at Wabeno for the Jones Lbr. Cos., and boarded the train for Suring, headed for home. He did not get off here. After boarding the train he disappeared as completely as if the earth had swallowed him up. 

Search was made everywhere in this section of the state, letters and messages sent to various parts of the country, advertisements inserted in the papers, police officials have searched and a Milwaukee clairvoyant, Prof. Roberts, even worked on the case.

Yet not a single clew has ever been discovered to lead to a solution of the mystery, but his wife believes he is alive and every day hopes to receive some news of him.

Source: Northern Wisconsin advertiser (Wabeno, Wis.), June 21, 1912.

Author: StrangeAgo

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