Finnish Woman Visiting the United States Judged Insane, Returned to Finland

Here is a little insight as to what could happen to someone who came to the U.S. in a poor mental state. The woman reportedly arrived in poor health, was judged insane, and the steamship that brought her over was ordered to send her back.

Sent to Winnebago

In the County Court late Friday afternoon Ida Maria Johnson, the Finnish woman who was taken into custody yesterday in Pleasant Prairie, was adjudicated insane and ordered sent to the state hospital for the insane at Winnebago.

The case of the woman has been laid before the State Board of Control and it is expected that the board will make some arrangements to send the woman back to her native land.

The evidence in the case showed that she came to this country last Christmas and that she was ill at the time she was brought to the country. Under the law it will be necessary for the steamship company to return her to her native land

It will probably take some time to arrange for the deporting of the woman, and in the mean time the expenses must be paid by the county.

Source: The Telegraph-courier (Kenosha, Wis.), August 29, 1907.

Author: StrangeAgo

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